
Statement of intent

Statement of intent Click  here  to access a copy of the statement of intent The statement of intent is a document that you need to write detailing some aspects of your production, like how you intent to use media language to target your audience and the type of representations you will use to appeal to your target audience. The two questions you need to answer are: Outline your plans for your production including:  How you intend to use  Media Language  to target your intended audience   How you intend to use  Media Representations  that are appropriate to your intended audience Media Language for Print: Colour - denotation/connotation. Typography - size, type of font (serif/sans serif) and colour of font. Image - type of shot (CU, MS, LS, etc) and camera angle. Layout - what goes where on the page and the meaning it creates. Media Language for video: Camera work - type of shot, camera movement, camera angle. Sound - diegetic an...


will start with two clips of sodapoppin and asmongold saying world of warcraft.


17th may - 20th may = get the video clips of sodapoppin and asmongold 21st may -30th may = make questions for the documentary and get the people to act 30th may - 2nd july = edit it all


i want sodapoppin to be in my documentary This is because he is a famous streamer that plays world of Warcraft and since the documentary is about why autistic people should play world of Warcraft i thought this guy would be the best fit. He may not be able to do it because he is in america and would have to fly from the us to England which he probably wont do. I will use asmongold in the documentary because he is a wow streamer and could say something positive about the game and how it helps people.

Location Information

The purpose of this task is to name the locations ( identify the locations)  i'm going to use in the documentary . i am going to use my homes living room and the place under the stairs were my PC is too set the scene it does this because the documentary is about gaming. There are hazards like someone breaking my sofa or my pc also someone could trip. I have learn't were i will be filming and what locations i will use in my documentary and I've also learned how to prevent hazards and potential risks.

product profile

in this task ill be explaining what i want to do in the production like types of shots, were it'll be filmed ext. i want to do a medium range shot like this :   it'll be filmed by my computer and in my living room. I will do a voice over I will do a slow motion head and shoulder shot while making the camera orbit the person I will do an over the shoulder shot showing the person and the game

my audience

gendre? male:9   female:11 how old are you? 12:0  13:6  14:14  15:0 do you watch documentary's? yes:8  no:12 out of these games which one have you heard of? wow:16  brawl:4  hearthstone:6 what do you expect to see in a documentary? music:2   interviews: 2   real life footage:13  voice overs:3  emotional scene:0 which common shot do you expect to see in a documentary the most? close up:0 med:11  long:6   h and s:3 how do you expect information to be given in a documentary? text/title:1   interview:6 voice over:13 do you expec t a documentary to have a presenter? yes:13  no:7 which of these locations would you expect to see in a documentary about gaming? bedrooms:11   living room:11  school:2    shops:10   pick 3 of your favorite colors blue:6  red:6  yellow:3 ...